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Why you Should Protect your Brew

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Be original, re-branding is expensive!

Got your .com/.ca domain?   Before proceeding with building a new brand, smart entrepreneurs will conduct a thorough clearance search to determine what limitations, if any, exist on the use of the key elements in their new brand starting with their proposed trademarks. The main purpose of a clearance search is to determine whether a proposed trademark is available for use. In addition, the search will also help determine whether the owner of the proposed trademark is legally entitled to become the exclusive user. A good clearance search will uncover similar trademarks already in use, which could impose limits on the scope of the goods and services that the proposed trademark can be used in association with. Entrepreneurs should strongly consider selecting an alternative trademark if the results of the clearance search indicate that a large number of similar trademarks are already in use. At a minimum, the clearance search should include a search of the Canadian Trademark ...

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